Artist Residencies · creation & developement 2014-15 · Iceland: Kickstarter · Inspiration/Musings

random thoughts

screen printing on glass screen printing on metal sandblasting and carving glass tig or mig= pros & cons of both bringing a kiln home A co-Gullkistan-AiR, conspirator and colleague, Susan Williams shared some fun images she took when I was setting up the kiln for its 1st firing. Some deserve to be flip-booked, anyways, here are… Continue reading random thoughts

Blog-O-Sphere Think Tank group · Posts associated with groups

Blog-O-Sphere July Topic: Where would you like to visit this summer?

As I write this it is currently 25c with humidity at 74%, no precipitation. Meaning = HOT Planning to picnic later with friends in High Park… remains to be seen. So, where would I like to visit this summer? I am not a fan of summer. Yeah, sure I am a summer baby n’all, my… Continue reading Blog-O-Sphere July Topic: Where would you like to visit this summer?

Artist Residencies · Iceland: Kickstarter · Inspiration/Musings

Otherworldly time travel, pt III

First of all, Tanya Tagaq. How is it that I am only now hearing her incredible energy, power, sound? I experienced her during Apocalypsis, which of itself is a once in a lifetime, wholly incredible experience. Tanya performed or was, the Old Woman.  After the Whore of Babylon’s demise and thus, the end times, somewhere… Continue reading Otherworldly time travel, pt III