
Algal Bloom

In between casting (glass) and glass painting experimentation (reusche) I’ve been revisiting fused glass powder formations, and building up various sizes. My plan is to experiment with turning these now flat forms (some are slumped) into 3 dimensional hollow forms that, will eventually fill a room. I imagine them hanging from the ceiling and standing… Continue reading Algal Bloom

Inspiration/Musings · Unclassified

/pəˈspɛktɪv/ atheism vs religion

Today’s daily prompt asked artists to show perspective. Before receiving and reading my daily prompt I was well into my news feed over at Zite where a particular article grabbed my attention: Religion harms society: my recent speech at The Oxford Union by Michael Nugent (I’m sure there’s no relation to Ted) 😉 I’ve shared… Continue reading /pəˈspɛktɪv/ atheism vs religion

metal + glass links · Unclassified

New pricing, gift certificates, workshops, oh MY!

Check out what’s going on over at nanopod: Hybrid Studio! Gift Certificates are available towards any of their workshops or courses OR you can customize your own. 🙂 Also, some prices have dropped, and Lab & Material fees have morphed into deposits. Making The Glass Casting workshop and Metal 2 course more affordable without breaking… Continue reading New pricing, gift certificates, workshops, oh MY!