Inspiration/Musings · Unclassified

…it’ll be alright.

Everyday at the studio since January 10th people ask me, “…were you a fan of Bowie?” “…did Bowie influence/inspire you as an artist?” For reference sake- I was 13 years old when I bought my first Bowie album. 1980 and it was Scary Monsters & Super Creeps. One of my favourite songs on this album… Continue reading …it’ll be alright.

Inspiration/Musings · Unclassified

how many people lie instead of talking tall?

Something happened on the day he died. Spirit rose a meter, and then stepped aside…Shedding tears throughout his exhibit at the AGO. Shedding smiles, and skin throughout the years listening to his music. His words. It is a rarity to live during a time of such creative force, outpouring. Conjuring.  I feel like one of… Continue reading how many people lie instead of talking tall?