Posts associated with groups · Unclassified

Handmade Division’s January, Talk About

This months topic: “In another life, I was “….” and I made “….” for a living”. In another life I lived in Dallas, Texas. I was married to a multi-millionaire Philosopher’s son. We opened franchises around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Hung out in the French Quarter, ate alligator, oysters on the half shell (not all… Continue reading Handmade Division’s January, Talk About

Inspiration/Musings · Posts associated with groups · Unclassified

September Talk About, topic: “Where do you draw your inspirations for creating from?”

Early on I’ve always felt a bit displaced.. not of ‘this’ world. My inspiration has always come from this other place. Along the way I’ve come across or have been introduced to people, musicians, artists, writers that remind me of this other worldliness. Karl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell, Jamake Highwater, Norton Juster’s- The Phantom Tollbooth,… Continue reading September Talk About, topic: “Where do you draw your inspirations for creating from?”

Inspiration/Musings · Posts associated with groups

Talk about …. August 15 2010

This August 15th the Handmade Division is Talking about something you’d like to create, that you maybe don’t have the skills or technology to do currently? ” There was a Star Trek episode where artists could take ideas, imagery, concepts from their minds, visualize them and sculpt sculpt them using this magic stick like tool… Continue reading Talk about …. August 15 2010

Inspiration/Musings · Posts associated with groups

mimicry in the biological world or how good artists copy, great artists steal!

April ‘Talk back’ Topic: How do you view the topic of “copying”? This is a heavy topic for many artists, designers, crafters, makers, etc. People want to view themselves as original individuals only to step outside and find everyone wearing the same boots and scarf! I want to share some of my views as a… Continue reading mimicry in the biological world or how good artists copy, great artists steal!

metal + glass links

Summer Schooling

Well, I’ve been super busy lately! Great news that I would like to share- I’ve been awarded two incredible scholarships from two incredible schools! #1, The Penland School of Crafts To study with Janis Miltenberger Two weeks of study begin May 30 – June 11 2010 I am extremely excited to have this opportunity!!… Continue reading Summer Schooling