Artist Residencies · Iceland: Kickstarter · Inspiration/Musings

3 days left for Iceland or Bust!

I see Trolls.

Ég vinn með málm og gler

Yes, I do. Can you guess what that means? Without the help of Google translate! 😉

So, there are 3 days left with the Kickstarter campaign. Phew! It has been an interesting experience and I am so grateful and thankful for all of the support!! Last I checked there were 50 Backers! All of this is so very exciting and I can hardly wait to be walking around Iceland again, but this time developing new work while I am there!! 🙂
I’ve had 4 lessons in Icelandic from Þórdís- who is amazing BTW. My homework over the weekend consists of putting Sticky Notes onto everything at home (wall, door, fridge, window, cup, cats..) as well as at the studio (nanopod!) Lot’s of fun!Screen Shot 2015-01-31 at 11.58.04 Oh Hey! If you live in Toronto and are curious and/or like Icelandic culture and are wanting to try some of its cuisine 😉 then you really need to check out this year’s Þorrablót! Sagnaspuni og gleðistundir! SAVE THE DATE! Saturday April 11, 2015
There is an ancient Icelandic custom that ensures abundance in all things and that is- ritual sharing of great food and friendship during Þorri. For over thirty years in Toronto the gathering has grown and continues to expand in greater and greater appreciation and enthusiasm for Icelandicness and the power of community.
This year I will be working the event! 😀 Tickets sold out super fast last year, so get ’em while they’re hot!
That said, I need more coffee! Thankfully I have proper kaffi making gear at home, however, this MacGyver’ed set-up worked fairly well while traveling around the island. I am SO looking forward to SKYR!! Anyways, happy Caturday and sjáumst!

mmmm Skyr
mmmm Skyr

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