Artist Residencies · creation & developement 2014-15 · Iceland: Kickstarter

otherworldy time travels

field recording at Jökulsárlón

Andrei and I camped out at the glacial lagoon. On the ocean side. Thankfully, I woke at 4am, just in time to quickly move our vehicle before the tide over took us! This was definitely a water filled day.

I snapped the image above as I recorded the water sounds. Sinking the hydrophone between the floating ice, I sat in this spot watching rainbows appear over the icebergs until the tourists parked above woke-up, around 8:30/9am. At that point the birds were lifting off and soon tour buses would descend upon Jökulsárlón. Our destination today was Dyrhólæy and the hope of Puffins.

On the cliffs at Dyrólhæy

I am already severely missing Iceland. Where ever you go, there you are. I had plenty of time alone, with me, myself and I. Self-speculation, reflection, realizations, confessions… while at Gullkistan I applied towards several future residencies in Iceland for 2016. It is my goal now to work in Iceland, at least once a year until I can live there permanently. While I am well aware that the ‘permanent’ is ephemeral and might not come to pass this life time, at least yearly visitations are a possibility. 🙂

Meanwhile, the above panos will eventually be offered to my lovely Kickstarter backers/supporters! These babies are MASSIVE. They will be almost 60″ wide/long when printed out. Woo hoo! I have been readying some for prepress samples- trying to decide if I print them out matte, lustre or on metallic (silver) paper OR aluminum which would boost saturation and give the images a 3D quality. Maybe I will try a print out in each option to see.

The soundcloud file above is a crazy rough vocal piece Andrei and I are currently working on. Andrei wanted to share compression examples with me so, we made recordings of the two of us emitting various notes together. Across water. Imagine the glacier off in the distance, huge and quite formidable. Horizontal rain surrounding us, Icelandic winds rushing around our ears, Seventy foot waves crashing down upon us (to our complete and utter surprise!!) soaked, we head west, towards the Alþingi.

To be continued…

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